Beta Glucan Questions & Answers
Is Beta Glucan a new discovery?
Beta Glucan is not a new discovery. Glucans have been clinically studied for the past 60 years at numerous universities and teaching hospitals. However, it is just now gaining significant popularity in the public because of its availability as a supplement.
How will Beta Glucan affect the future of medicine?
Beta Glucan is used in the Pharmaceutical and Supplement Industries; as well as in Industrial Farming / Fishing.
"I personally think that in the next five to ten years it will be an officially approved drug in the whole Western world.
The question which I really cannot answer is how expensive it will be as soon as Big Pharma steps into it. So far they are sitting basically on the fences and letting the small guys fight and pay for it, do the research and develop the patents and so on. We can think that $30 or $40 for a bottle of glucan, for some people it might be a lot of money. Some might say “it’s a yeast it should be cheaper.”
But it still has no comparison to $50,000 per month for some kind of anti-cancer drug, and that is why also it is a little bit less interesting for the pharmaceutical companies. But I really believe that it will not even take 10 years before it is officially approved. We have to remember that as we eat fish, particularly salmon if is not wild caught you can bet it is already fed with glucan. Most of the commercially farmed fish are fed with glucan, heavily. Yeast glucan, yeah.
There is a huge surplus of yeast both in Europe and in the United States. The breweries have enough where you can get a truck of yeast for five bucks basically so they are giving it up. There are whole ships going to Norway. It is a byproduct left over. It is shipped to Norway to produce the glucan out of it and they are selling it to commercial fishermen, fisheries and it helps the salmon to stay healthy in farming. I would say about 80% of salmon production is on glucan."
Answer by Dr. Vaclav Vetvicka
Where does Beta Glucan come from?
Our Beta Glucan is highly purified from the cell walls of baker’s yeast. However, beta glucan is found in many other natural sources like mushrooms, oats, and barley. Studies have shown that baker’s yeast is the most effective source of Beta Glucan.
What does Beta Glucan do?
Beta Glucan enhances a person’s immune response in a safe way. The average person has about a 30% active immune response. When someone takes our Beta Glucan it raises that person’s immune response to 60%, and in some cases even more, if they are taking the maximum immune response dosage. This allows for your immune system to recognize cells that are both self and non-self more effectively. I’m sure you can imagine the benefits of walking around with a doubled immune response/immune system!
When does Beta Glucan start working?
There is an immediate influence on your immune system when you begin taking Beta Glucan. However, there are very sophisticated processes in the body that have to occur before your immune system is “fully activated.” It takes about 3 days for your immune system to achieve its maximum level of immune response. Your immune system will stay at this peak level as long as you’re taking the correct dosage. Now your immune system has the ability to take on even the most difficult challenges!